My blog should load in a mobile template for your mobile devices now . If it doesn't use the link below
I have also added google translator so you can view my blog in your own language . Located at the top of the page .
I run my blog as a reminder of my travels and to encourage others to travel , and all I ask for is a thank you and that you have a great holiday . But for those who want to go the extra distance , and buy me a beer I have added a paypal donate button to the right side of the screen .
Travelfish is a travel site . Which offers help , tips and a forum about travel in Asia . They have just released an Iphone/ipod app on Bali , its a great app with plenty of info on Bali .
See app on ITunes here
Read review from the Jakarta globe here
Last visit to Bali . I met a great guy called Gede Mangun who runs Bali Sunrise Trekking and Tours and is also involved with Cempaka Putih Foundation A wonderful foundation he founded to help bring education to children . Please show some support all you need to do is book one of Gede tours , and make a world of difference .
Cempaka Putih Foundation website here and Facebook here
See video
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