Day 3
Sandakan Airport
Travel Route
Harbourside Backpackers website
By 430am
I was at the airport, enjoying a hot chocolate while waiting for my flight to
Sandakan in Sabah. I was seated next to a girl from Sandakan who was very
helpful and friendly. Two and a half hours later we touched down in Sandakan,
the airport is small and just going through a few renovations.
I passed immigration and had my passport stamped, I made my way to the taxi
counter and bought a taxi voucher for 30rm just over $10AU. The drive into
Sandakan was about 30 – 40 minutes. The taxi driver dropped me a block from
where I wanted to be, so I then had to lug my stuff up another block till I
found The HarbourSide Backpackers, It was only around 930am and a bit early to
book in but I wanted to drop my bag in. Once I had booked in and dropped my bag
I went hunting for some much needed food, I found a few places along the water
front, not bad food and at a good price.
lunch I went back to the hostel to put my bag into my room and too settle in, I
had booked a private twin room for 80rm or $30AU a night. Once I sorted the
room and myself out I decided to walk out of town to Agnes Keith’s House. Which
took nearly an hour from the harbour front; it was very hot and very humid but
a good walk. I was going to take the 100 steps up but thought this maybe a
harder route, late I was warned by locals to stay well away from those steps.
Some muggings have happened up there.
Agnes Keith’s House
cost 15rm or $5.50AU each to have a look around Agnes Keith’s House and the tea
rooms. Just as I was about to leave a monsoonal downpour hit, so I called a
taxi. The taxi dropped me at the Harbour Front for 10rm; I dropped some stuff
off at the hostel and went for dinner along the water front. I found one restaurant
called the Harbour Front Café most meals were between 5-12rm and beer was 2
large bottles of Tiger for 28rm
dinner I headed back to the hostel to watch a movie and chat in the common
room, until it was time for bed.
Day 4
time at HarbourSide Backpackers was toast and tea and time to catch up with
family and friends via Facebook and Instagram.
Sandakan Markets
Sandakan Markets
time to spare in Sandakan I made the most of it and got out to see the sights,
my first stop was the markets which are located left out of the hostel and
right at the end of the mall, you can’t miss it then. The market itself is a
fresh food market; it’s a bit smelly but worth a look. After the markets I
walked back to the hostel and passed it and took the 1st right then
the 1st left and followed it down the road to a bus station and
shell petrol station, a short walk on your right is the public bus station. I
searched for bus 7 or 128 that would drop me at the Australian War Memorial. I
finally found the bus, no A/C and it took 20 minutes to fill up but at 2rm one
way it was a bargain.
Sandakan Memorial park
The Steam Boiler and tractor
War Memorial was heartbreaking and with thoughts of what these men where put
through was hard to comprehend. My thoughts are with these men and their
bus stop back to Sandakan is across the road from the War Memorial. I only
waited 5 minutes for the bus and this one was air conditioned, and still only
2rm back to the bus depot.
The view from Puu Jih Shih Buddhist Temple
Puu Jih Shih Buddhist Temple
Once back in Sandakan I sat down with the map my
phone and a much needed cool drink and explored what else I could go see. I
decided to have a look at Puu Jih Shih Buddhist Temple, with it getting late in the afternoon
I decided to catch a taxi. I paid about 35rm for each way and wait for me. The
temple was nice the view over Sandakan is amazing and well worth a look.
Sandakan Harbour Front
at Harbour front I grabbed an ice cream from Mc Donald’s and sat with the
locals and watched the sun disappear for another day.
I went
back to the hostel, and cooled off and refreshed up a little and got ready to
walk back to the harbour front for dinner.
Day 5
The Boat to Selington Island
I was
up and ready by 8am, and very eager to start this adventure. By 830am I was at
the front of the 4 points by Sheraton hotel which was a short 5 minute walk
from the hostel and into a mini bus to the harbour. There was another couple
also getting picked up, and once at the harbour our group had grown to about 12
people with our guide James, who gave us a quick talk about the boat ride and
before too long we were on our way.
Boarder Protection
boat trip to Selington Island was about an hour, there are a few Islands to see
and villages on stilts over the water and the odd fishing boat but the trip was
uneventful and some just open water so sea sickness tablets are a must if you
suffer motion sickness. Once we reached the Island the boat stopped with precision
parking at a set of wooden steps like he’d done it a million times before. The
beach was a mixture of course sand rough coral and broken shell mix on this
side of the island as we approached the kitchen/dining room/reception we were
greeted by 2 police dress in mercenary gear and holding M16 machine guns. We
were told it’s for boarder protection and our protection, pirates have raided
before and some people have been kidnapped.
were briefed about what time what would happened, Then James our guide handed
out our room keys, and off I went to dump my gear and explore the island, I
only had an hour to kill before lunch so I thought it was pointless going for a
swim till after lunch. I had a quick walk around then sat near the restaurant
talking to James and Gavin both guides until lunch was ready. Lunch was a smorgasbord
type deal, it was ok; nothing really to rave about. After lunch I hired a towel
and made my way to the beach, the water was beautiful and warm, not far off the
beach is a lot of coral and broken shells so some form of aqua shoe may come in
My New Job
I sat
with the life guard for a while, he was a funny guy. I said “you have the job”
He said “it’s boring as” ha ha!!!! And I guess he was right. We chatted for a
while and soon a few other workers joined us on the beach. I think they got a
giggle out of my attempt of Bahasa Malay.
afternoon the weather came over very cloudy and we got a little rain, so I
moved on to my room to freshen up and get ready for dinner and turtle time. 6pm
soon came around and time to assemble at the dining room to have a talk about
the turtles and what will happen at turtle time and then we went upstairs to
watch a film about the turtles and the island and took a look at a small museum
about turtles and the Island. At 7pm it was time for dinner another smorgasbord
again with only tea or coffee as a drink, which is included in the price. There
is also a small shop selling drinks, snacks and a few odds and ends at good
Turtle Eggs
88 Turtle Eggs Safety Transferred to the Nursery
66 Baby Turtles Scurry to the Water
Now it’s
waiting time, we all sit around clutching cameras and eager to hear the guy
call “TURTLE TIME” James then spoke up and told us, last night was 1030pm and
the night before it was 930pm. The longest time they have ever waited for the
words “TURTLE TIME” to be yelled was around 3 am. Boy what a long night that
would have been.
luck was with us tonight, as the call went out at 845pm. We quickly made our
way to a spot on the beach where we could stand behind the turtle and watch her
lay her eggs; a ranger collects the eggs and counts how many she lays. Tonight
turtle laid 88 eggs and the ranger and his bucket with all us in tow took them
to the hatchery to be replanted in a nest dug earlier. Once the nest was filled
in the ranger gave us a quick talk and then we were whisked off to the beach to
release 66 turtles, what an amazing moment to watch these little guys scurry
down the beach to the water. The ranger then said maybe 1 turtle might make it
to adult. On the way back off the beach we spotted 3 more turtles laying eggs
on the beach.
for bed.
Day 6
early start, breakfast was at 630am and our ride back to Sandakan was at 7am.
The boat trip took an hour and so we were in Sandakan and in a mini bus and
onto Sepilok Orang-utan Rehabitation Centre which took about 45 minutes. Once
we arrived there, we found out it was the 50th anniversary
celebration with free entry to the orang-utans and the sun bears as well as a
key ring, a fan and a free lunch, talk about lucky.
walk to the feeding area and saw 2 orang-utans straight away, with a few long
tail macaques. Once the ranger came with his basket at feeding time a mother
and her baby arrived and soon another orang-utan arrived. This was a perfect
start to our trip; it was time to meet James at the bus.
Sun Bear
once we got there James said the sun bear is free entry too, so go spend 20
minutes over there. I went for a quick look but I wasn’t that impressed with
the set up, but it was great to see the bears.
in the van and our next stop was about an hour away, Checkpoint a road side
restaurant come shop fruit market and mechanic. The view one way was shocking
but out the back the view was amazing looking over the hills. The food was nice
after lunch an older woman walked around and gave each one of us on the tour
some lycees to try then she got me to put a durian in the splitter and split it
open for the tour group to try. I have eaten this before in Bali, it stinks but
tastes nice, it’s kind of a sloppy mess to eat but also tasty.
in the van and on our way again and I think an hour had passed when we were all
starting to falling asleep a car went flying off the road and down into a gully,
we stopped and gave the lady some assistance till her family came, she seemed
ok. So off we went again then a truck over took us with 2 blown out back tyres
with rubber flying everywhere flew past. We finally made it to the Kinabatangan
River in one piece.
Jetty and the Boat to the Kitabatangan Nature Lodge
out of the van we had to grab our packs and make our way to the jetty for the
boat ride across the river to The Kinabatangan Nature Lodge. Once across the
river we checked in and had a welcome drink and went to settle into my room
Agamid A/C number 10.
Rhinoceros Hornbill
Proboscis Monkey
350pm it was time to meet at reception for our first boat cruise along the
Kinabatangan River, with-in minutes we saw 2 eagles and a group of short tailed
macaques. Later we saw 2 Rhinoceros hornbill and a big family of proboscis monkeys and by
610pm we were back at the lodge, time to rest up and have a cool drink. It was
very steamy on the river.
dinner time and it was a smorgasbord, and the food was darn good. The chef came
out each night and thanked us for eating there and that he hoped we liked our
meal. The drink was a weak cordial which tasted a bit gross but there was tea
and coffee. After dinner I had an hour wait till the night trek.
Western Tarsier
At 830pm we
all met James at the reception and began out night walk which lasted about an
hour. We didn’t see much most of the trek except a few spiders, a frog, a huge
snail and a huge earth worm. And when all hope had vanished of spotting
something else, James went sssshhhhhhh, and then at a pace he took off in the
jungle with all of us in tow. He stops, listened, and quietly walked towards
some trees, by this time we had all caught up. James pointed up a small tree and
said see it, No; we all said, James pointed again and said look a western
tarsier. We all spotted this little strange creature, and stood around watching
him for a while, he sure put a smile on some weary faces. By 940pm we were back
to the Lodge and time for a shower and bed.
Day 7
wake up!!! By 550 I was at the jetty ready for another tour along the
Kinabatangan River. The river was very calm and a dirty brown, we didn’t see
much this morning except a two and a half meter crocodile and a family short
tail macaques. We arrived back at the Lodge at 730am and time for breakfast
which was also a smorgasbord.
Ox Bow
breakfast is over, it was time to get ready for a 3 hour trek to the Ox Bow
River through the jungle. And it was hot today after a small down pour last
night. The walk was pretty easy; it was just very steamy and humid. We only
spotted a few birds and insects. We arrived back at the Lodge in time for
lunch. After lunch it was time for a shower and a nap. But a family of wasps
soon had me at reception asking for help. They moved me from room 10 to room 9,
I felt a bit better and now time for that nap.
Can you spot the Orang-utan
350pm I was up and ready to cruise the river again, and by 4pm we were heading
up river again. It wasn’t long before James had spotted a small group of
macaque monkeys. We started to move on and James came to a sudden stop and
pointed high in the trees and said the magic word “orang-utan” And up in the
tree were 3 nests and a rather large Orang-utan feeding. We watch on for a good
20 minutes, a truly amazing experience.
A large male Orang-utan
Off we
went again and on the next bend there was another orang-utan a big male who sat
in a tree eating leave. Another amazing experience and one I’ll never forget,
we were on a roll with the spotting tonight and on the way back to the lodge we
saw a family of proboscis monkeys settling in for the night.
to the lodge and with a Kinabatangan sunset to light the way. After dinner I
opted out of the night walk and went with an early night, I guess I’m getting
Day 8
I must
be getting old I slept in as well. At least I was ready for breakfast early and
ready to go, as check out time was 830am. We took a short boat ride across the
river and got into the mini-van and off to our next destination Gomantong Cave
the biggest birds nest cave in Sabah. The walk to the cave was a little magical
with the rainforest and a wooden walkway covered in moss, it was only a short
walk to the cave maybe 10 minutes but the closer you get the more you can smell
the bat poo.
Gomantong Cave
Inside the cave
We were given hats to save us from the bat poo, thank god we
didn’t need them, and there were tonnes of it. The walk way was covered in bat
poo and the hand rails were covered in cockroaches. James show us a few things
inside the cave, he pointed out a fresh patch of bat poo and spat on it and
from no-where millions of cockroaches came out of the poo and ate the spit , it
was like a scene from an Indiana Jones Movie. And to see the crabs living in
the jungle and the cave was a blow out.
in the bus and about an hour or so till James dropped me off at Sepik. I got
dropped off near the gate of the Orang-utan Centre and walked to Sepilok Jungle
Resort and check-in to a standard room for 100rm 0r $37AU at night.
Canopy Walk
grabbed my camera and headed for the rainforest discovery centre which was
about 1.5 – 2 km down the road. Entry fee was 15rm; I found the shop and bought
myself a drink of water and off I went to walk amongst the canopy. I did a walk
around the lake as well which was good, I didn’t see anything except a few
birds but some of the trees are amazing.
Orang-utan at Sepilok
grabbed a cab back to the Sepilok Orang-utan centre and paid 30rm entry fee and
10rm camera fee, I was in time for the afternoon feeding, which was another
amazing experience with 6 in total around the feeding platform and one
orang-utan came and sat near me on the hand railing.
On the
way out I spotted a Pigmy elephant in the distance, I spoke to a girl who said
there was a small elephant that was an orphan and there is talk of an elephant
centre to care and rehabilitate them.
walked back to the hotel which took about 10-15 minutes and took a stroll
around the grounds of the hotel. I had a shower and thought I’d try get an
early dinner, I got to the restaurant about 530pm and ordered a drink and
chatted to family and friends via Facebook.
My Dinner Guest
When a male orang-utan came along
the handrail and helped himself to some dinner and a drink. I grabbed a few selfies,
while the lady swapped the drink with some fruit to try getting him to leave.
Wow I was total blown away to be so close I could just touch him. Once they got
him to leave I finally got to eat my dinner, but not till I plaster my social
network with a selfie of me and my dinner date.
I went
back to my room, for a few beers.
Day 9
Proboscis Monkey
Large Male Proboscis Monkey
I went
and had breakfast about 730am, which wasn’t too tasty, but it filled the void.
I took
a short walk to the orang-utan centre to wait for the shuttle bus to Labuk Bay
to see the proboscis monkeys. The shuttle bus is 20rm each way and the entrance
fee is 60rm and a 10rm camera fee, personally I think that’s a bit expensive. I
was the only person on the bus and the driver was Adam he took me to platform b
for the 1130am feeding time, which lasted 20 odd minutes then the monkeys had
gone. Back in the van and we set off for the restaurant for lunch when a group
of silver leaf monkeys stopped the van, so I jumped out and got a few photos.
Silver Leaf Monkey
took me to the restaurant for lunch which was a nice feed and not too bad of a
price. After lunch I watched a movie by myself and I think I may have fallen
asleep. Then it was time to go another feeding platform, we waited a while but
nothing showed up. So we had a slow walk back to the van while Adam told me
about his life in Sabah.
I was
back at Sepilok at the orang-utan centre by 345pm so I took a walk back to the
hotel and grabbed a few beers and freshened up in the room. Before going for dinner,
yep I got another visit from the naughty orang-utan who seemed to like sitting
and taking over my table.
he had had some food he went on his way so I could order my Singapore noodles
and a 7up for 13rm.
Day 10
The view of Sandakan from The 4 points by Sheraton
a morning where I slept past 8am, I quickly got ready and got myself to
breakfast. After breakfast I checked out and walked up to the Orang-utan centre
and waited for the shuttle bus. And waited and waited, it didn’t show up so I
bit the bullet and paid 30rm for a taxi to Sandakan. Once back in Sandakan I
just felt like spoiling myself and book into 4 Points by Sheraton, oh boy what
a nice place and a deluxe room with a sea view was 226rm $80AU. I made my way
up to the room to dump my backpack. Then I went out to find an ATM as I was
running out of cash. I found a MayBank ATM and used my Citibank Debit Visa the
fee was 1rm. I grabbed a few supplies from the 7/11 store and made my way back
to the room.
I had
a shave and my first hot shower in days it felt good and I turned on the TV and
watched my first TV in days. I watched a movie and ate some Cadbury chocolate I
was in heaven. Mid-afternoon I went to the pool for a swim, and to take in the
view over Sandakan. I freshened up and went for a walk around town and decided
to eat along the waterfront, I found one place selling dumplings, so I decided to
try one for dinner it had chicken inside and a chilli dipping sauce, it was
super yummy. I finished the night off with a few beers and a movie.
Day 11
and I’m at Sandakan airport waiting for my flight back to KL, the airport is a
bit of a mess at the moment as its getting a facelift. Which made things a bit
longer to do, I made my way to immigration and sat down and waited for my
flight. I had web checked in yesterday at the hotel and printed my boarding
I landed in KLIA2 about 2 and a half hours later, and I caught the Skybus to KL
Sentral and then the LRT to Pasar Seni Station and took the short walk to the
hotel China Town Inn. I checked in and dumped myself, and hit KL for a short
list of things my daughters had decided I should buy them while in KL. I had a
walk around Petailing Street.
A view of the towers from the Sky Bar
at the hotel I freshened up and got myself a little dressed up and grabbed a
cab. And what a silly time to catch a cab peak hour! 30 minutes late I was at
the Trader Hotel to meet a friend for a drink at the Sky Bar. We had to go on
the waiting list for a booth, but that was only a 15 minute wait. Boy what an
awesome view of the towers, the booths are great just to kick back and relax
take in the cities views and enjoy a drink with a friend. Taxi home I think.
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Day 12
Berjaya Hotel Website Here
Berjaya Hotel Photo's room 2153 Photo's Here
Berjaya Hotel Hospitality Room Photo's Here
I slept in. I forgot to set my alarm, I had only minutes to pack and get ready,
and it was a fast paced walk to Pasar Seni LRT station. The train was packed,
but I was soon at KL Sentral. And luck was on my side the Sky Bus was ready to
leave as soon as I got on.
I made
it to the airport and quickly rushed into Mc Donald’s and grabbed a large Bubur
Ayam or rice chicken porridge with and
iced milo drink and headed to my gate. I manage to consume breakfast before it
was boarding time. The plane was a little late taking off, but I think we made
up time in the air. As we came into Langkawi to land the weather didn’t look
too good and the descent was rough , very rough the roughest I’ve come across
yet, at one point I wondered if I should text home. But fortunately the plane
landed safely.
At the
exit of Langkawi airport I grabbed taxi voucher for 26rm or $10AU to the
Berjaya. The taxi driver was one of the nicest I’ve meet he was very chatty and
helpful with questions I asked. About 30 minutes later we were at the hotel.
Wow what an impressive place, check-in was quick and easy. I had my welcome
drink in the sports bar and headed for a shuttle bus to my room.
I had
a quick explore of the room, grabbed a beer from the mini bar (I’ll replace
that later) and sat on the balcony and relax, mmmm I think I might grabbed that
other beer.
called the shuttle bus which came and picked me up; I had to be dropped at
reception to catch another bus to the Oriental village. I had a walk around to
see what’s on offer at the village and I found the duty free shop, where I
stocked up on supplies, and the 2 beers I needed to replace at the hotel. As I
walked out of the Oriental Village the shuttle bus pulled up, so I grabbed a
ride back to the Berjaya, then another shuttle to my room. Yep the place is
massive and the shuttle bus is a pain in the butt and the darn things are
noisy, but that’s my only complaint.
at the room to relax a while before getting ready for dinner, I called for a
shuttle which took me to the Thai restaurant over the water. The atmosphere was
great and the food matched, an enjoyable night.
on that shuttle again, and bed time.
Day 13
decided to hire a car today, so I called the shuttle bus for a lift to
breakfast and after breakfast I went to see the car hire office near the sports
bar and hired a small Nissan for 160rm with a clause for your first born life if
you damage the car.
So I
set off to explore Langkawi, armed with a crappy map and my first stop was
Temurun Waterfall. It was a short beautiful walk up to the waterfall, I loved
the steps up to the falls they had a Lord of the Rings feel about them and I
expected a hobbit to pop up somewhere. The water was cool and the falls
magnificent, I stood chatting to a guy brushing up some leaves for a while. He
told me about the tunnel up the road and a nice beach back down the road. So I
walked up to the tunnel which was impressive but really nothing to exciting.
in the car and back towards the main road, and my next stop. Pasir Tengkorak
beach, wow what a little gem, this place was great white soft sand and
beautiful warm clear water. I had a quick swim before exploring the next little
beach that which is a 5 minute walk along the cliff top, I had this beach to
myself, arrrhh bliss!

on the road again, and time to get some fuel, I put 25rm in the tank and off I
went again. Next stop was Tanjung Rhu Beach for a look and back on the road to
Durian Perangin Waterfall, wow this place was kept tidy, the waterfall wasn’t
anything to impressive but the grounds are. I sat and had a cool drink before
taking off to the next stop. Kuah Town was next, I found Mc Donald’s and had
lunch then it was time to see Eagle Square, I really didn’t enjoy driving
around this part of the Island. My next stop was Pantai Cenang I decided to
park the car and have a walk around and check out the beach and grab some duty
free shopping. I thought it was time to head back toward the hotel, when I
drove past a night market so I stopped in to have a look around and grab some
fantastic fried noodles for dinner. I parked the car at the Berjaya and caught
the shuttle bus to my room, and a movie night.
I was
woken by those noisy shuttle buses. I guess it was time to get up and get ready
and get to breakfast, I thought I would go back to Pasir Tengkorah Beach after
I was
the only person on the beach besides the lady raking up leaves, I loved this
beach and spent a few hours swimming and relaxing. But all good things come to
an end and I had to get the car back so off I set. I made a quick stop in at
the oriental village to pick up a few supplies.
handed the keys back in and grabbed the shuttle bus to my room and dumped my
supplies and headed towards the pool. I spent a few hours swimming and relaxing
by the pool.
afternoon I walked over to the oriental village to ride the Skycab, but once I
got there the lines were very long. I spoke to a woman who said the wait is an
hour and a half yet. So I decided to wait till tomorrow and try again.
freshened up and went to the Chinese restaurant for dinner at the Berjaya; I
went with the tea smoked duck, Yummo!!
Day 15
breakfast I grabbed a shuttle to the Oriental Village to ride Skycab, I was
there for 9am but this morning it opened earlier. Lucky for me there still
wasn’t many people there. I got into a gondola and started my journey up the mountain
alone, wow! You’re high, bloody high but what a view and I wasn’t even at the
first stop yet. I got out at the first stop and some clouds and I think a plane
went past. I waited for my turn to get back on the gondola and onto the top, by
the time I reached the very top observation deck and the weather had cleared a
little and the view improved. I sat at the cafeteria with a drink and enjoyed
the view.
lined up and waited for my turn to get on a gondola, and because I was a single
traveller I was ushered to the front and put in a gondola with 3 others. The
ride down was a better view than going up and you seem to go quiet quick as
soon as I got out of the gondola, the rain poured down and thank goodness I
still wasn’t up there. I waited the rain out under the duty free show veranda
with an ice cream. An hour later the rain had eased off so I started to head
towards the shuttle pick up point. I only waited 5 minutes until the shuttle
bus arrived.
at the room and time to pack and get ready, I called the shuttle bus at 12pm
and dropped my pack with the concierge and handed my room key in reception. And
went down the beach restaurant and had some lunch. After lunch I went to the
bar in the reception area and had a drink or two and to borrow a power socket
to charge my phone. I went and spoke to reception about a hospitality room.
They let me have it for 1 hour, which was great it gave me time to organise
myself a bit better and shower before my flight back to Kuala Lumpur.
At 3pm
I caught a taxi from the Berjaya to the airport for 26rm; I grabbed a cuppa
from Starbucks and sat catching up with friends and family.
flight to KL took about an hour and it poured most of the way. I had a 3 hour wait
at KLIA2 till my flight, home to Sydney Australia. So I checked in with Air
Asia and went and got a meal and had a walk around the airport and the mall to
kill time. I also found a pin I could open my phone and change my Malaysian sim
to my Australian Sim.
I made
my way to immigration and waited at gate Q10, We boarded at 1030pm and by 11pm
we were on our way home.
hours later, touch down in Sydney.
And another adventure comes to a close which
leaves me wondering what’s next?
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